lunes, septiembre 24, 2007

Templos y pistolas laser

Este fin de semana he ido a dos sitios, al mismo tiempo muy diferentes pero los dos muy japoneses. El sabado estuve en Nikko, un pueblo a 2 horas en tren de Tokyo conocido por los templos y por ser donde estan enterrados dos de los Shogun más famosos de la historia. El domingo estuve en el Tokyo Game Show, una de las ferias de consolas y videojuegos más importantes y un paraíso técnológico y otaku.

Desde luego es difícil tener un mejor ejemplo de los contrastes en Japón que tanto le gustan a la prensa occidental. Un día estás asistiendo a una ceremonia budista en un templo de hace 300 años y al día siguiente disparando pistolas láser. Uno está tentado a pensar que a lo mejor no es tan raro como parece, al fin y al cabo también tenemos iglesias milenarias en Europa y no parece descabellado visitar la catedral de Santiago y al día siguiente meterse en una convención de videojuegos. Puede ser. Los templos orientales son exóticos simplemente porque no estamos acostumbrados a verlos. En el lado friki sin embargo estoy bastante seguro de que nos llevan una cómoda ventaja.

Empecemos por los templos. Nikko es un viaje que se puede hacer en un día desde Tokyo. Hay una zona a 10 minutos en bus desde la estación de tren donde están concentrados todos los templos famosos. Lleva unas horas verlos todos y uno se puede volver en tren despues pero echando un vistazo a los mapas y guías del centro de información turística la verdad es que hay un montón de sitios alrededor que también valen la pena: lagos, cascadas, montañas.... así que si uno hace noche puede echarse a descrubrir naturaleza al día siguiente. La zona de los templos está llena de dos cosas: templos y escaleras. Hoy, lunes, aún tengo agujetas y dolores de subirlas, Yuko me iba diciendo, “estas escaleras son famosas porque cada una es una única piedra, mira mira” mientras yo resoplaba, bastante seguro de que no eran famosas por eso. El camino hacia cada una de las dos tumbas de los Shogun tiene un montón de tramos con escaleras, torii y puertas con esculturas de dioses guardianes. El Shogun, que significa algo así como general, era el antiguo gobernador militar de Japón; el emperador tenía una posición simbólica sin poder real y eran los shogun los que realmente tenían el control político. Ieyasu Tokugawa, uno de los shogun que están enterrados en Nikko, es uno de los más importantes ya que consiguio la unificación de todo el país e inauguró una época de paz de más de 200 años gobernada por su dinastía, el famoso período Edo. Cuando uno llega arriba y ve su tumba, una especie de pagoda metálica pequeña, cerrada con un candado envejecido tambien de metal, le da la impresión de que ha hecho un camino ritual, una peregrinación hacia la tumba del antiguo general. Al principio del descenso, cuando uno puede ver desde donde ha subido, un letrero al borde nos invita a admirar por ultima vez, desde donde descansan los dioses, la tierra de los hombres. Desde luego, a los dioses les gustan las escaleras.


Al día siguiente madrugué para coger un tren hacia Chiba, donde tenía lugar el Tokyo Game show 2007. La verdad es que me gustan los juegos pero el TGS es casi exclusivamente de consolas y a mi me gusta el PC así que si fui fue mas bien por ver el ambiente porque asumía que no iba a conocer casi ningún juego. Hoy en día todos los lanzamientos potentes para consolas son Final Fantasy parte 13, Metal Gear parte 5 y cosas así, siempre me da la impresión de que llego 6 partes o años tarde, los juegos van muy rápido o yo me hecho un carroza más rápido aún.

Tokyo Game show 2007

Como esperaba, no entendía muy bien algunas cosas, como la gente que hace una cola de 4 horas para jugar a un juego que va a salir en 1 mes, pero aún así la cosa estuvo bastante bien. Aparte de un par de juegos con muy buena pinta y un par de friqueces interesantes, sin embargo, el mayor atractivo para los que no hacemos las colas en el TGS sigue siendo sacarle fotos a las azafatas y a la gente que hace cosplay. Os dejo con algunas fotos de esto y si quereis ver mas, tengo un monton aqui. Saludos!

Tokyo Game show 2007

Tokyo Game show 2007

Tokyo Game show 2007

Tokyo Game show 2007

105 comentarios:

Harapos dijo...

Mi viaje de este año también consistió en subir y bajar escaleras, aunque siempre da la impresión de que se suben muchas más de las que se bajan.

Fio dijo...

Bueno, al menos no te quejarás de que no haces ejercicio :P

Qué monas las azafatas... Endevé, en general en Occidente se tiene a las japonesas por seres súper recatados y míralas a ellas que monas de bikini ^^ (yo me quedé anclada en el Bomberman de recreativa, así que poco puedo añadir sobre el tema de los videojuegos)

P.D. Enki Bilal... Ya me gustaría; a la japonesa, a la española o a la birmana ;)

Anónimo dijo...

He publicado esto en la entrada del blog de los tacos, pero como creo que puede ser de interés la reproduzco aquí, tiene que ver con sacar la ñ en un teclado no español:

Esto puede que llegue tardísimo, pero se puede sacar nuestra identitaria "ñ" con una secuencia de escape muy sencilla:

AltGr+4 y luego n.

También funciona para ã y õ, estas son importantes para portugueses y brasileiros.

Un saludo...

Pablo dijo...


Vi tu post, precioso el sitio. Parece que daba un poco de vertigo no?
A mi lo que me pasa es que subir y bajar escaleras me aburre mucho, asi que intento subirlas a toda hostia para que se me pase el mal trago cuanto antes. Bajando no hay problema pero subiendo cuando son mas de 10 no es buena idea.


Lo de las japonesas recatadas es otro mito, al menos vistiendo. La diferencia entre estas azafatas y las chicas que ves en Shibuya es que las azafatas llevan logos de sony en las minifaldas, por lo demas poco cambia la cosa.
Lo de Bilal iba en serio!


No funciona! Al menos no en este teclado

Xisela dijo...

¿No hay problema en bajar escaleras a toda hostia? ¿Estás seguro??

Anónimo dijo...

Qué cosa rara... ¿Has probado con el 4 del teclado numérico ó con el 4 del completo? Lo digo porque es el 4 que está al lado del 3 con la almohadilla y del 2 con la arroba. Se sacaría de la misma forma que se saca la arroba, pero hasta que no se pulsa la siguiente letra (a, o ó n) no se representa sobre ellas cualquier otra tecla saldrá la ondita.

Hay algunos teclados que representan la onda en el 4, como está representada la almohadilla en el 3.

Yo lo uso fundamentalmente porque mi mujer es brasileira. Claro que mi teclado es español y puede estar un poco más predispuesto a pasar por el aro.

De cualquier forma también me pasa algo parecido con la Es-zet alemana y esa hay que hacerla a base de secuencia de escape cruda (plan "B", no tan "directa").

En cualquier caso, aunque no os sea de utilidad y sólo sea una nota curiosa (con Alt y las teclas del teclado numérico, sin soltar el alt, mientras se pulsan las tres):

Alt+225 = ß
Alt+164 = ñ
Alt+165 = Ñ

Un coñazo, lo sé, pero mejor que buscar una ñ en google ya es (por cierto, ¿cómo te las apañas para buscar una ñ en google sin poder escribir una ñ?).

Anónimo dijo...

De todas formas si tienes un teclado americano internacional, también se puede sacar dando al alt derecho (altgr) y la tecla n. Echa una ojeadita aquí:

Pablo dijo...


La verdad es que tienes razon, a veces sale mal. De hecho hace poco me he pegado una leche asi, lo sabias? es que tu comentario ha sido casi clarividente


No te preocupes, este teclado es un poco raro, tiene configuracion de US (United States), alt-164 es 、 podria buscar la enhe pero uno es vago... :)

Si buscas Espana en google salen enhes por todas partes.

Xisela dijo...

Uy, qué agorera me siento. Espero que cayeses en blando :)

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Now here's a shoe-in for the list of the year's best gaming-related clothing : Adidas has brought back its ZX five hundred running shoe, and, since it originally hails from the '80s, the gaming inspired design and coloring is an easy choice ... Right? The kicks won't be the coolest part of the deal, either ; they come packed with a combination bracelet/USB flashdrive containing ZX Runner, a computer game based primarily on ... The shoe itself.

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In summary, though specific areas of traditional men's fashion can be brought back as new trends, the fundamental outfits which they are based on will never fall out of fashion.

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chwilówka moje konto After all, there is absolutely no stage in taking a risk plus leaving without proper insurance plan, when it is only a couple associated with keys to press apart. Previously, acquiring insurance coverage was a lengthy plus challenging procedure that will needed plenty of documents. However , as technologies offers developed greatly, it may certainly be purchased straight online after filling out several digital types. This removes most of the hassle through getting insurance plan and today there is no reason for anyone never to get it. Not only that, yet purchasing on the web also offers the benefit of cost, as most of times guidelines are less expensive in the event that bought straight online. The application could be completed in many mins and the documents is received via email soon after, ready to be published.

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Most of Europe would like to have their auto insurance for less and if you live within Ontario, you happen to be most likely the same to that common rule. In case you reside in Ajax, Ontario, then this may become a tad less complicated than you think. Nowadays you have a lot more options to help you get the kind of car insurance you want without having to spend a fortune to get it.
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Damage to your house brought on by globe movementsincluding earthquakes, landslides, plus sinkholesare not contained in a typical plan. Except within California, you can buy earthquake insurance policy to visit with the typical insurance offered by your own property owners insurance coverage.
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Exactly where are you able to purchase PLPD Auto insurance? Thanks to technology and the rise from the internet shopping for an inexpensive PLPD insurance policy is never less complicated. Evaluating rates plus shopping around used to be a problem. It all involved making numerous phone calls plus talking to a fifty percent number of product sales reps and insurance providers. Obviously you also had to pay attention to every sales rep place in their two pennies and make the sales hype. Thankfully, moments possess changed and you also understand longer need to do items the particular old-fashioned way. Now you can evaluate estimates as well as purchase PLPD car insurance from the convenience of your own home. If it is your goal to get the least expensive price feasible for PLPD insurance coverage I suggest going online and visiting an internet insurance plan evaluation site. These sites can make your daily life easy. They are going to inquire you a few basic queries like your zero code and the kind of automobile a person drive. After you have offered these details the assessment web site provides you with a list of the service providers inside your squat code with all the minimum prices. Once you have narrowed straight down your selection you can full your quotation with the company of the option and complete your buy online or using a live life representative. Zasoby Uninsured Vehicle driver Safety: addresses injuries triggered to you or maybe the other occupants of your vehicle by uninsured or even hit-and-run drivers. cialis opis David Kerr is a College or university of Guelph marketing and advertising administration graduate that recently finished the Risk Analyst rotational system from Marsh North america Limited. He or she presently works as a Customer Consultant who else offers assistance and services to larger insurance coverage broker and risikomanagement accounts. He worked as a summer pupil at a selection of various other insurance firms before you start the basic system from Marsh. viagra w domu

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Daily duties can range from planning insurance policy forms and giving out business marketing communications to answering mobile phones, handling mail, and copying files. kliknij i przeczytaj wiecej Where can you purchase PLPD Car Insurance? Thanks to technologies as well as the increase of the internet shopping for an inexpensive PLPD insurance coverage is never less complicated. Comparing rates and shopping around used to be a problem. It involved producing many telephone calls and talking to the half dozen sales reps plus insurance companies. Of course additionally you needed to listen to every sales person put in their particular two pennies and make the sales hype. Luckily, periods possess transformed and you also know longer need to do things the particular old-fashioned method. You can now evaluate quotes and also buy PLPD car insurance right from the particular comfort and ease of your home. When it is your own goal to get the cheapest price possible for PLPD insurance coverage I recommend checking the web plus visiting an online insurance policy comparison site. These sites will make your life easy. They are going to request you a few basic questions like your zip program code and the kind of automobile you drive. After you have offered this information the comparison web site will provide you with a listing of the particular carriers inside your go code using the least expensive rates. After you have refined straight down your choice you can full your own quote using the service provider of the choice plus finalize your own purchase on the internet or even using a live consultant. Reklama tutaj Before you start searching for a plan, you need to know what it is that you want to get from the policy. Take a look at your finances. Check out how much of the regular budget will get rescued. Take a look at whether you need some of the additional opportunities or whether an easy insurance policy is enough to suit your needs. Once you have got a vague concept of the actual state of your finances will be, and exactly how very much you are able to afford to pay for being a superior, you can begin your policy research. You have to look at what the various life insurance coverage policies offer you before you buy one. Become wise: get info from different life insurance coverage real estate agents. Look at plans and plans from various businesses. Mix make sure that the advantages offered are what you will in fact use, plus whether or not it provides all of the benefits that you would like through the policy. Look at just how much you need to spend every month, and when there are extra fees. Premiums often enhance along with the fees that this government contributes to it all. When the taxes are improved, your own premium raises with it '" make use of this into consideration if you choose an insurance policy. levitra jakosc

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Be sure you can budget for full term life insurance for your long term and don't buy entire life insurance unless you may afford it all. You should buy all the defense you require today when you are vibrant, and if one happens to cannot afford total life insurance, at least get Phrase. That's the reason whole life insurance policy plans have the very best monthly premiums really insurance policy for your full lifestyle, regardless of whenever you give. The extent high quality and fixed demise profit create entire life insurance policy very attractive to some. Unlike another kinds of eternal insurance coverage, along with complete insurance coverage, chances are you'll not lower your premium payments. pożyczki bez bik You will find insurance policies that will include just about everything, from your own home and auto insurance to life insurance coverage and also canine insurance. While everybody that pushes a vehicle is definitely required to get electric motor insurance coverage, most other insurance policies are usually various. Those serving within HM pushes and preparing to set up to other countries may choose to look for a few HM causes insurance just before departing. Those remaining at home can also make use of the unique army insurance plans provided by a few insurance companies. Just like civilian guidelines, these protect a wide variety of events, beginning with army kit insurance and military causes travel cover plus closing with wedding insurance plan. wikipedia referencyjna Exactly where are you able to purchase PLPD Auto insurance? Thanks to technology as well as the increase from the internet buying cheap PLPD insurance policy is never easier. Evaluating rates plus shopping around used to be a pain. It involved making several phone calls and speaking with a half number of sales repetitions and insurance companies. Of course you also needed to pay attention to each sales rep put in their own two pennies and make the sales pitch. Thankfully, periods have changed so you understand longer need to do things the old-fashioned way. You can now compare quotes as well as buy PLPD car insurance from the particular convenience of your own home. If it is your objective to get the least expensive cost feasible for PLPD insurance plan I suggest checking the web and visiting an internet insurance plan comparison web site. These websites can make your life easy. They will ask you several simple queries like your go program code as well as the type of vehicle you drive. When you have offered this information the particular assessment web site will provide you with a listing of the particular providers within your go program code with all the most affordable rates. When you have narrowed straight down your own selection you are able to full your estimate using the company of the selection and complete your own buy online or with a live life consultant. sprawdz to

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So what have you been awaiting? Start saving today. If you would like to find out that has the lowest prices in your area select one of the hyperlinks below to see a good insurance assessment site which i individually make use of. Good luck! To obtain a free of charge estimate now click this particular hyperlink: on the web kredyty chwilówki Exactly where are you able to buy PLPD Auto insurance? Thanks to technologies and the rise from the internet shopping for an inexpensive PLPD insurance plan is never easier. Evaluating rates plus looking around was previously a problem. It involved making many calls and talking to a fifty percent dozens of sales reps and insurance companies. Obviously you also needed to pay attention to each sales rep place in their own two cents and make the sales hype. Luckily, times possess transformed and also you understand longer need to do things the old-fashioned method. Now you can compare estimates and also buy PLPD car insurance right from the particular ease and comfort of your own house. If it is your objective to find the least expensive cost feasible for PLPD insurance policy I suggest checking the web plus visiting an online insurance evaluation site. These sites can make your daily life simple. They will inquire you some simple questions like your squat program code and the type of car a person generate. When you have offered this information the particular assessment web site provides you with a list of the carriers in your zero program code with the minimum prices. When you have narrowed down your choice you are able to full your quote with all the company of your selection and finalize your buy on-line or having a live life representative. kredyty chwilówki Despite the fact that HM pushes travel insurance and standard travel cover are usually signs plans, there are also other people that require to be regarded. HM Causes personnel journeying overseas are especially encouraged to get insurance plan, as the army insurance plans agreed to them have got several benefits, as stated above. It is always better to prepare yourself in case of unforeseen activities and from the many hm makes insurance policies available, army package insurance policy and travel insurance are usually among the most essential ones. Leaving the nation without these insurance policies can have serious effects. kredyty chwilówki

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